The Great Mystery; you, me, God

I’ve been shirking my duties lately here at the blog, to devote my time to a delightful conversation with fellow blogger M. Talmage Moorehead, started by his very informative, insightful and entertaining musings entitled Dark Matter, God and Genetics. We’ve discussed all kind of things including the nature of mind, consciousness, soul, and God, how Buddhism and yoga relate to this and think about it all, and many other related and some non-related topics.  If you’re so inclined, you might go have a look, I think you will enjoy. Mr Moorhead has a particularly inspired concept he calls 229H.  That’s all I’m going to say about that.

I will share something I just wrote on that thread (slightly revised to make it more readable), as I’ve been struggling to put this into words for a long time:

On why I seek communion with the divine as the Great Mystery:

I’ve been searching for the words I need here and I think I finally am close; my deepest human impulse seems to be to commune with a God who is vast beyond all hope of comprehension. I believe this is because intuitively I know that this is also my own nature; that God and I are one. Also because anything that can be explained does not deserve to be loved.

So if you try to reduce me to any sort of explanation of what I’m made of and how I work, you cannot succeed without attempting to cut out the most essential part, the truth about me, the mystery of me.

I am part of the Whole, a local face on something vast, infinite and completely mysterious to a merely “thinking” mind. Utterly unutterable in any spoken language, yet always present in every expression of unselfish love, ever giving itself to us and through us as we allow it.

It is present in every expression of spontaneous play as well, whether by humans or animals or even the play of stars and galaxies across the universe.

And this Great Mystery is finally present in the expression of every present moment, every action no matter how imperfect or inconsequential. And so we know It most intimately when we are also.

One thought on “The Great Mystery; you, me, God

  1. Once I awakened, this unbelievably “huge” presence craftily hidden in All Things left me unable to describe it, except that as I go deeper in my work, “it” unfolds more and more, and often with more than a few surprises along the way.
    Thing is, I observe that we have gotten so used to approaching much of this from such a linear rational side of our intellect that we have left behind that part of ourselves most capable of capturing ever-larger visions of its greater reality. But I have found that it’s possible to know what appeared a mystery previously….but it requires ourselves to clear away a certain amount of inner debris. Even then, no words can contain it…

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